To create an account on My Scholarship Central, go to and click Sign Up in the upper right hand corner.

Enter the email address you would like to use for your account. This should be an email you check regularly. We recommend you use an email that is not associated with a high school or college – make sure it is an account you have permanent access to.
Create a password. The password requirements are strong to prevent data breaches and protect applicant privacy. Make sure the password has 12 characters including at least 1 digit, 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter, and 1 special character. Passwords cannot contain your username/email or common words. Make sure to save your password so you can access your account.
After entering your email and password, click the orange Sign Up button. You will receive an email from [email protected] with a confirmation link. Once you have clicked this confirmation link, you will be able to access your account.
If you have any questions or challenges creating your account, contact [email protected].