My Scholarship Central
Connecting students to the money they need for college.
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Apply to more than 150 scholarships in one place.
My Scholarship Central connects students to financial resources for college. Students are matched to local scholarships and interest-free loan programs after completing a general application. There are opportunities for Missouri students, as well as those that live in Metro East Illinois.

Find Scholarships in Your Area
Looking for money for college? Use the My Scholarship Central Search Tool to find the scholarship providers in your area.
Click your region on the map below to see a list of organizations that offer scholarships and interest free student loan programs in your area. Read a brief description of the organization, see their application timeline, and populations served. You can then click through to apply directly with the organization.

St. Louis Metro Region
Counties in this region
- Franklin
- Jefferson
- Lincoln
- St. Charles
- St. Louis City
- St. Louis County
- Warren
Kansas City Metro Region
Counties in this region
- Cass
- Clay
- Jackson
- Platte
Northwest Region
Counties in this region
- Andrew
- Atchison
- Buchanan
- Caldwell
- Carroll
- Clinton
- Daviess
- Dekalb
- Gentry
- Grundy
- Harrison
- Holt
- Linn
- Livingston
- Mercer
- Nodaway
- Putnam
- Ray
- Sullivan
- Worth
Northeast Region
Counties in this region
- Adair
- Audrain
- Boone
- Callaway
- Chariton
- Clark
- Howard
- Knox
- Lewis
- Macon
- Marion
- Monroe
- Montgomery
- Pike
- Ralls
- Randolph
- Schuyler
- Scotland
- Shelby
Southwest Region
Counties in this region
- Barry
- Barton
- Bates
- Benton
- Camden
- Cedar
- Christian
- Cole
- Cooper
- Dade
- Dallas
- Douglas
- Greene
- Henry
- Hickory
- Jasper
- Johnson
- Laclede
- Lafayette
- Lawrence
- McDonald
- Miller
- Morgan
- Moniteau
- Newton
- Ozark
- Pettis
- Polk
- Saline
- St. Clair
- Stone
- Taney
- Vernon
- Webster
Southeast Region
Counties in this region
- Bollinger
- Butler
- Cape Girardeau
- Carter
- Crawford
- Dent
- Dunklin
- Gasconade
- Howell
- Iron
- Madison
- Maries
- Mississippi
- New Madrid
- Oregon
- Osage
- Pemiscot
- Perry
- Phelps
- Pulaski
- Reynolds
- Ripley
- Scott
- Shannon
- Ste. Genevieve
- St. Francois
- Stoddard
- Texas
- Washington
- Wayne
- Wright
Counties in this region
- Wyandotte
- Johnson
View scholarship providers if you live outside of the regions above.
Our Supporters
My Scholarship Central is a program of MOCAN. It is free to students and to scholarship providers thanks to these generous funders.
What Makes My Scholarship Central Different
Student Focused
Connecting students to funding is our number one priority. Our common application makes the process simple.
Students aren’t competing with thousands of applicants from across the country.
There is no cost to use My Scholarship Central. We do not feature ads on our site or sell student information.

Our Mission
We believe students who wish to go to college should not be prevented from doing so because of an inability to pay.
My Scholarship Central increases access to higher education by helping students close the funding gap for college with private scholarships and interest-free loans. Our regional scholarship search and application website connects students to funds offered by vetted organizations in Missouri and the surrounding areas. The free, secure website makes it easy for students to access and apply to hundreds of scholarships in one place.