Find Scholarships
Looking for money for college? Use the My Scholarship Central Search Tool to find the scholarship providers in your area.
Click your region on the map below to see a list of organizations that offer scholarships and interest-free student loan programs in your area. Read a brief description of the organization, see their application timeline, and populations served. You can then click through to apply directly with the organization.

St. Louis Metro Region
Counties in this region
- Franklin
- Jefferson
- Lincoln
- St. Charles
- St. Louis City
- St. Louis County
- Warren
Kansas City Metro Region
Counties in this region
- Cass
- Clay
- Jackson
- Platte
Northwest Region
Counties in this region
- Andrew
- Atchison
- Buchanan
- Caldwell
- Carroll
- Clinton
- Daviess
- Dekalb
- Gentry
- Grundy
- Harrison
- Holt
- Linn
- Livingston
- Mercer
- Nodaway
- Putnam
- Ray
- Sullivan
- Worth
Northeast Region
Counties in this region
- Adair
- Audrain
- Boone
- Callaway
- Chariton
- Clark
- Howard
- Knox
- Lewis
- Macon
- Marion
- Monroe
- Montgomery
- Pike
- Ralls
- Randolph
- Schuyler
- Scotland
- Shelby
Southwest Region
Counties in this region
- Barry
- Barton
- Bates
- Benton
- Camden
- Cedar
- Christian
- Cole
- Cooper
- Dade
- Dallas
- Douglas
- Greene
- Henry
- Hickory
- Jasper
- Johnson
- Laclede
- Lafayette
- Lawrence
- McDonald
- Miller
- Morgan
- Moniteau
- Newton
- Ozark
- Pettis
- Polk
- Saline
- St. Clair
- Stone
- Taney
- Vernon
- Webster
Southeast Region
Counties in this region
- Bollinger
- Butler
- Cape Girardeau
- Carter
- Crawford
- Dent
- Dunklin
- Gasconade
- Howell
- Iron
- Madison
- Maries
- Mississippi
- New Madrid
- Oregon
- Osage
- Pemiscot
- Perry
- Phelps
- Pulaski
- Reynolds
- Ripley
- Scott
- Shannon
- Ste. Genevieve
- St. Francois
- Stoddard
- Texas
- Washington
- Wayne
- Wright
Counties in this region
- Wyandotte
- Johnson
View scholarship providers if you live outside of the regions above.
Counties Served:
- Andrew
- Atchison
- Buchanan
- Caldwell
- Carroll
- Clinton
- Daviess
- Dekalb
- Gentry
- Grundy
- Harrison
- Holt
- Linn
- Livingston
- Mercer
- Nodaway
- Putnam
- Ray
- Sullivan
- Worth
Counties Served:
- Adair
- Audrain
- Boone
- Callaway
- Chariton
- Clark
- Howard
- Knox
- Lewis
- Macon
- Marion
- Monroe
- Montgomery
- Pike
- Ralls
- Randolph
- Schuyler
- Scotland
- Shelby
Kansas City Metro
Counties Served:
- Cass
- Clay
- Jackson
- Platte
St. Louis Metro
Counties Served:
- Franklin
- Jefferson
- Lincoln
- St. Charles
- St. Louis City
- St. Louis County
- Warren
Counties Served:
- Barry
- Barton
- Bates
- Benton
- Camden
- Cedar
- Christian
- Cole
- Cooper
- Dade
- Dallas
- Douglas
- Greene
- Henry
- Hickory
- Jasper
- Johnson
- Laclede
- Lafayette
- Lawrence
- McDonald
- Miller
- Morgan
- Moniteau
- Newton
- Ozark
- Pettis
- Polk
- Saline
- St. Clair
- Stone
- Taney
- Vernon
- Webster
Counties Served:
- Bollinger
- Butler
- Cape Girardeau
- Carter
- Crawford
- Dent
- Dunklin
- Gasconade
- Howell
- Iron
- Madison
- Maries
- Mississippi
- New Madrid
- Oregon
- Osage
- Pemiscot
- Perry
- Phelps
- Pulaski
- Reynolds
- Ripley
- Scott
- Shannon
- Ste. Genevieve
- St. Francois
- Stoddard
- Texas
- Washington
- Wayne
- Wright
Counties Served:
- Wyandotte
- Johnson
View scholarship providers if you live outside of the regions above.